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Income support benefits in collaboration with UILTemp

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Visits, analyzes and vaccines

100% refund of the ticket paid for medical expenses

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Support for the unemployed

Up to € 1,000 for those who have lost their jobs

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of the children

Contribution of 200 euros per child for school attendance

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Maternity integration

100% integration of the INPS maternity contribution

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Nursery attendance

Contribution of up to 150 euros per month for attendance at the nursery

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Working students

Contribution of 200 euros for books and teaching material

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Up to 40 euros for each day of hospitalization


Support for pregnancy

Up to 600 euros for privately conducted visits and analyzes

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Woman prevention

Up to 330 euros per year for private early diagnosis


Adoption and foster care

2,800 euros for foster care, adoption or minor reception

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Dental care

Up to 2,000 euros per year for dental treatment

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Public transport

Up to 1,200 euros per year for the public transport season ticket

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Personal loan

Disbursement of a loan of up to 5,000 euros at a rate of Ø

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People with disabilities

1,500 euros for workers or family members who are 100% disabled


University worker

200 euros for workers enrolled in a university course

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Accident at work

Daily disability: 46 euros

Invalidity / death: 50,000 euros


Oncological diseases

Up to 3,000 euros for private diagnostics


Purchase prescription lenses

1 00 euro for small operations and purchase of lenses for sight recovery

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Maternity allowance

2,800 euros in place of compulsory INPS maternity leave

INPS, Agenzia delle Entrate, Ministero del Lavoro, sportello immigrazione

Other benefits and services

Request the practices you need directly online

© 2021 UILTemp Basilicata - cf 96045760764

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